Natural Selection (A Spirit Seeker Prequel)

Natural Selection (A Spirit Seeker Prequel)
eBook: For Free
Autor: Janna Ruth
Bücherserien: Spirit Seeker, Book 0
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Veröffentlicht im Jahre: 2021
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Nature has declared war on us, and we’re here to answer that call.


Wulf might be the greatest spirit seeker the agency that leads the war against nature has to offer. A new mission calls him and other elite spirit seekers to Italy where they face off against an active volcano. Two thousand years ago, Vesuvius obliterated the city of Pompeii. Now the fire spirit has set his eyes on Naples.

Leading the spirit seekers into the volcano, Wulf begins to realise that his biggest challenge might not be the spirits but keeping this group of big egos in check. Tensions rise as the heat is turned up and one false move could spell out their death.


Join the Spirit Seekers in this prequel to meet the greatest of them all in action!

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